Youth in Government

In this month's episode Brayden and Sonakshi sit down with former state senator, Ellen Stuart Roberts, and two members of the Colorado Youth Advisory Council, Bhavya Surapaneni and Sidd Nareddy, to discuss the important role of youth voice in crafting legislation. COYAC members not only advise legislators on issues that directly affect youth, but they also craft policy. Sidd and Bhavya share about their current policy efforts around substance use, eating disorders and mental health.
In this month's episode Brayden and Sonakshi sit down with former state senator, Ellen Stuart Roberts, and two members of the Colorado Youth Advisory Council, Bhavya Surapaneni and Sidd Nareddy, to discuss the important role of youth voice in crafting legislation. COYAC members not only advise legislators on issues that directly affect youth, but they also craft policy. Sidd and Bhavya share about their current policy efforts around substance use, eating disorders and mental health. Learn more about the Colorado Youth Advisory Council at

Engineered by Sydney Yllanes
Edited by David Ladon
Produced by Lauren Steavpack and David Ladon

Generation Collaboration is produced in partnership with Colorado Young Leaders and Youth on Record, with support from CiviCo, Colorado’s community leadership development organization to activate civic-minded leaders.

Follow us on the socials at @COyoungleaders and @youthonrecord
Learn more at and

Our theme song "Find It" is by Esmé Patterson.
Youth in Government
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