Joyful Change

In this episode, Sonakshi and Brayden talk with Bre, from Joy as Resistance, and Clarise, a member of Colorado Youth Congress, to discuss change, leadership, identity, and self expression in the queer community.
In this episode, Sonakshi and Brayden talk with Bre, from Joy as Resistance, and Clarise, a member of Colorado Youth Congress, to discuss change, leadership, identity, and self expression in the queer community. 

Generation Collaboration is produced in partnership with Colorado Young Leaders and Youth on Record, with support from CiviCo, Colorado’s community leadership development organization to activate civic-minded leaders.

Follow us on the socials at @COyoungleaders and @youthonrecord

Our theme song "Find It" is by Esmé Patterson.
Additional music for this episode by Granola.
Joyful Change
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